Russia and China not to cease fire on Syrian terrorists


Pravda Report


Published on Dec 6, 2016

Russia and China have vetoed resolution on humanitarian situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo at the UN Security Council. Venezuela has also voted against. The document called to ceasefire in Aleppo for 7 days minimum, including strikes against al-Nusra and ISIS terror groups. Authors of the resolution, which got support of 11 members of the Council, are Egypt, Spain and New Zealand.
The Russian Foreign Ministry called suggested draft resolution to be counter productive, as namely it undermines efforts of Russia and the US. Sergey Lavrov highlighted that, presupposed 10-day pause would just let fighters regroup and restore their strength.
Before the voting Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaliy Churkin claimed that it should be suspended until meeting of the Russian and the US experts. He also expressed sympathy for authors of the project, ‘who, as we know, underwent unprecedented pressure from the Western troika of permanent members of the Security Council’. Russia considered such acts to be provocative.
Egypt, meanwhile, claimed that some countries ‘were made’ to adopt the resolution.

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