The Desolation of Germania - A Silent Hymn




Published on Nov 18, 2023

Video made by The Impartial Truth.

The allies firebombed everything that they could their hand on, no matter if there were men, women or children. They didn't bomb strategically, they just wanted to kill as many people as possible.

"It is untrue that I or anybody else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of certain origins or interests.

I have made so many offers for the reduction and elimination of armaments, which posterity cannot explain away for all eternity, that the responsibility for the outbreak of this war cannot rest on me.

Furthermore, I never desired that after the first terrible World War a second war should arise against England or even against America. Centuries may pass, but out of the ruins of our cities and monuments of art there will arise anew the hatred for the people who alone are ultimately responsible."


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