Dr Corsi News 06-02-20: Rage, Race & Riots Decoded - Soros/Obama Fund "Community Policing"


Jerome Corsi


Published on Jun 2, 2020

Get Dr. Corsi's new eBook Rage, Race & Riots in the Year of COVDI-19 Pandemic


Dr. Corsi explains how the far left uses tragic incidents to foment insurrection...organized and funded by the like of George Soros, fueled by Saul Alinsky trained Barack Hussein Obama, and exploited by QuidProJoe Biden. America is under attack from within and without by an army of darkness.


It us now clear, that as Dr. Corsi writes:

"President Trump’s solution is to use the full force and authority of the federal government to restore order in the nation’s cities. This will position the White House and the Department of Justice to assure the American public that the facts in the Floyd George case will be discovered such that justice will be done. What the radical left fails to understand is that the American public will not tolerate racist police who use lethal force against innocent people of color, just as the American people will reject “protestors” who act as hateful avengers in their unrestrained enthusiasm to use violent destructive and disruptive tactics to throw our nations’ cities into chaos."

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