Russia's new Avangard hypersonic missile can reach USA in 15 minutes


Pravda Report


Published on Mar 1, 2019

Russia's new Avangard hypersonic missile can reach the territory of the United States in 15 minutes. General Terrence O’Shaughnessy, the chief of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, said that Avandard missile and other non-nuclear munitions can break through USA's air defences and strike multiple targets inside the country.

The range and the accuracy of the new Russian missiles enable them to strike targets far beyond the coverage of the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

Russian bombers, including the Tu-95 and Tu-160, often approach US coasts to demonstrate their nuclear capabilities, he said. In addition, Russian submarines of Severodvinsk class and surface ships in the Arctic, armed with missile complexes, also pose a threat to the United States.

On February 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking before the Federal Assembly, said that the creation of the Avangard was comparable to the creation of the first artificial satellite known for the Russian word as sputnik. The new missile system is capable of flying at a speed 20 times the speed of sound. The missile flies to its target like a meteorite or a fireball with temperatures on the surface of the missile reaching 2,000 degrees Celsius.

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