Sociopathic Professor Calls for Global 'Genocide' to Save Earth.


The River Mersey


Published on Apr 26, 2012

Published on 25 Apr 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

A video has popped up showing University College's Emeritus Professor John Guillebaud, patron of the UK-based "Population Matters", standing before a screen depicting among other things a machine-gun, a hospital bed, and a knife dripping with blood, as examples of "natural" population control as opposed to "artificial" methods such as contraception and family planning.

The professor also impressed upon his audience to hide the true nature of their efforts by never ever using the phrase "population control."

Guillebaud gave the lecture on October 14 2010 in front of a group of scientists at Cambridge University's Triple Helix Society. On the top of the screen of Guillebaud's slide show we read the words: "guide to "population control" methods", showing on the one hand a contraception pill, which is described as an artificial method of population control. On the right hand side we see the machine-gun, the knife, and the hospitable-bed as examples of "natural" methods of population control (from 1 minute onward).

"It either happens the gentle way, through family planning (...), or it happens the nasty ways (...) excessive heat, hurricanes, flooding and so on. To me that's the ultimate inconvenient truth", the professor stated.

This is classical neo-Malthusian talk we hear from the mouth of professor Guillebaud. Reduce human numbers voluntarily, or else... Also typical of modern-day eugenicists is the urge to conceal their true purpose (population reduction and control) with euphemistic phrases which vary from "family planning" to "reproductive health". In this video the professor admits to this deception:

"Will you all undertake a little project today, for me, and that is never from the 14th of October onwards will you say those words up there (pointing towards the text on the slide: "population control"). You will never find me in any situation except in the context of this slide saying: population control. So will you for the rest of this meeting, and for the rest of your life, never put those two words together. They have been so damaging. They instantly make your hair up... think of India in the 1970s and of China at time present. Use any other way you would like to say, like my phrase "population matters". Please don't say "population control". So there's one thing you can all do."

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