The world is being run by the insane, and they meet in Davos every year. The great reset is coming.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Oct 14, 2020

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The world is being run by psychopaths that meet in Davos every year to discuss and make world changing decisions.
All are multi millionairs to multi billionairs including Gates, Soros and the most vile creature Klaus Schwab. Just listening to Schwab can give you the heeby jeebies.

In the link the most brilliant Rowan Dean of Sky news Australian does very well to explain what's going on with these swamp creatures of Davos. Even Hollywood celebrities like Leornado Di Caorio and billionair pop superstar lunatic, Bono, and the potty Prince Charles want the world to move to international socialism and an end to western capitalism and exceptionalism, even though that's how they made their vast fortunes.

The hypocrisy of these people makes me sick.

Watch the brilliant Dean Rowan of Sky News AU.

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