Impeach Obama Overpass Protest on Inauguration Day - Telemundo 33 (Spanish - subtitled)


Patriot Fire


Published on Jan 22, 2013

This news report on the Impeach Obama protest on Inauguration Day was broadcast locally by XHAS 33 (Telemundo). The protest was organized by Stop Obama Now in San Diego.

Impeach Obama Now Coalition

The Spanish transcript and English translation is below:

La Mesa - The international mood, has caused interest groups internal to the US to form which are unhappy with public policies.

It is the case, for example, with this group of demonstrators.

One of several, which assembled at intersections in American cities.

This one is located at the intersection of Severin and Fuerte in the city of La Mesa.

Mostly Republicans, they are criticizing the economic management of the Democratic leadership.

LA MESA - Al entorno internacional, habría que agregar grupos de interés, dentro de los estados unidos, irritados por políticas publicas.

Es el caso, por ejemplo, de este grupo de manifestantes.

Uno de los tantos que se plantaron en cruceros de las ciudades norteamericanas.

Este se ubico en el cruce de "Severin" y "El Fuerte", en la ciudad de La Mesa.

En su mayoría republicanos, critican el manejo económico del mandatario demócrata.

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