ISIS picks up ‘lost’ US weapons, NATO General says


Pravda Report


Published on Aug 9, 2016

The American General Charles Cleveland tried to explain how the Islamic State fighters got weapons made in the US. Members of the terror group started publishing photos with the American weapons and documents, which allegedly belong to the US military. Grenade launchers, cartridges, grenades, flares, radio stations, and many others turned out to be among those weapons. The Washington Post published response of the deputy chief of staff for the U.S.-led mission in Afghanistan General Charles Cleveland. “We are still working to determine if all of the equipment in the pictures was lost during recent operations or at some other time in the past.” Almost two weeks after several U.S. Special Operations troops were wounded fighting Islamic State militants in eastern Afghanistan, the militant group’s media arm has posted photos of American equipment, including weapons and a radio. As General Cleveland asserted, fighters could have captured these weapons by themselves. And speaking about wounded American special operations soldiers, he stated that they “had not been captured and are currently with the unit”. Despite the fact that the Americans have navigation and warning systems, strange blunders while airdropping weapons in Syria for so-called ‘moderate opposition’ became systematic long ago.

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