Report #18 Dr. Ed Spencer, Part 3 - Vaccine Whistleblower Reports Retaliation


Ramola D Reports


Published on Sep 11, 2017

In this resumption of the conversation surrounding Dr.Spencer's experience of whistle-blower retaliation within the medical establishment in California, he also reveals what may have been an instance of targeting with microwave weapons or other DEWs after a talk he gave on one of his research interests, on cryptoterrestrials (or deep earth terrestrials, as opposed to the notion of galactic ETs), where he was physically attacked and narrowly escaped bleeding to death.

Dr.Spencer also details his uncovering of stark truths about the swine flu vaccine, in particular a certain very large batch sent to Europe, sharing information on which at his workspot in a California hospital brought him ridicule rather than accolades, saw the Physicians Well-Being Committee being trotted out, and his license revoked.

We speak briefly about holistic and other doctors who are being targeted, psychiatry's wrongful role in suppressing voices of truth, other aspects of wrongful targeting. Dr. Spencer weighs in on the experiences reported by those who are targeted, and expands on how he too has experienced being assaulted with Black Ops neurotechnology such as V2K/Voice to Skull, a military tech which puts voices into people's heads--something psychiatrists are still deliberately or unwittingly uninformed about.

We also consider that the world generally seems to be more awakened currently, about vaccines, and concerns Dr. Spencer had, about live avian virus found in swine flu vaccine are now shared by others--although it seems fascism is still creeping along, as evidenced by making vaccinations mandatory in California and children in public schools all over the US being required to furnish a full immunization schedule in order to go to school.