Rape of Nanking 2: Japanese Torture Beheading Rape Burning




Published on Nov 19, 2006

http://RapeofNanking.info Rape of Nanking: 2. Japanese soldiers rape, behead, stab, set people on fire, bury people alive, tear out the eyes of babies, rip open the stomachs of pregnant women, and then laugh while the victim suffers.

This documentary, by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.d. is based on 20 years research and consists entirely of archival photos and film-clips. Part 2 is a continuation from Part 1. This film begins with an overview of Japan and China at the beginning of the 20th Century, explains the mind-set of the Japanese and their God, Hirohito, and then continues with the invasion of China, the crimes committed by the Japanese (during the Fall) on the road to Nanjing, the Nanjing Massacre, the rape of the Philipines, Unit 731, the Baatan death camps, Japanese denials, and the dropping of the A-bomb on Japan.

The purpose of this film is educational, and to explain the mind-set that led to a horrible crime: the torture and murder of 280,000 civilians by Japanese soldiers who took great pleasure in raping, bayonetting, beheading and burning people alive. We wish to emphasize: These crimes took place throughout Asia, and the Japanese planned the same for the White races as well, including America.

Those who do not learn from the past, are condemned to repeat it. The purpose of this film is, thus, educational. We have no hatred for the Japanese people.

This documentary is an independent production. We are not associated with and never received any financial help from the Chinese government or any group or organization. The film is completely independent. We have no political motives. We have no purpose and no other goal other than to create an interesting, provocative movie that speaks to the mind and intellect, and which can speak to the heart and one'e emotions.

Additional Credits: The musical soundtrack (all music is identified at the end of the film) was arranged and selected by R. Joseph, Ph.D., and was reproduced in this film courtesy of Arc Music Productions Int., LTD, United Kingdom; Nonsuch Records, Warner Music Group, Rhino Entertainment, New York; Sony Classical Music, New York.

Our film was shown in Nanking in December of 2007, the 70th anniversary of the Rape of Nanking. Unlike the Leonsis film which failed in Nanking, the showing of our film was a tremendous success and the theater was packed and people stood and lined the walls. A second showing in Wuhan China was even more successful. Whereas, in China, the Leonsis film was shown largely to empty seats, over 1,800 people showed up to watch our film in Wuhan and 300 had to be turned away.

China Central TV called our film "the best... most influential film ever made on this tragedy."

Indeed, our film has been viewed an estimated 16 million times world wide, 100s of copies of this film are hosted on Chinese websites, and it has been viewed over 6 million times in the US.

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