Ukraine doesn't have the navy NATO could save


Pravda Report


Published on Jul 18, 2015

NATO wants to help the Ukrainian Navy. On July 16, members of the Advisory Group of the North Atlantic Alliance continued analyzing the prospect for building a training facility for the Naval Forces of Ukraine in the city of Nikolaev.

Yesterday, the delegation visited the frigate "Getman Sahaidachny" in Odessa. NATO experts discussed "the development of a pilot project to restore the capacity of the Ukrainian Navy."

Victor Murakhovsky, chief editor of "Arsenal of the Fatherland":

"For NATO, I think, there is a more attractive idea here - they want to build their own base on the coast of Ukraine, rather than to restore the Ukrainian Navy. As of today, the Ukrainian Navy can hardly be referred to as such, because they do not have even second and third rank ships, let alone the first rank. In other words, they can not control even the near sea zone. What they have in the structure of their navy is boats, their former training ship "Sahaidachny" and that's pretty much it. I really don't know how NATO experts can help them."

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