So much news about all the post-election drama, we can’t forget about The CCP virus


The Upstream


Published on Jan 13, 2021

So much news about all the post-election drama, we can’t forget about The CCP virus. We are coming off of what is close to one full year of lockdown, out of what was supposed to be a couple of weeks. We just call it, 2020. Many small businesses are completely destroyed, and those remaining are barely hanging on. This is a deadly virus, I don’t want to downplay anything. But, when all the confusion around the novel dynamic of COVID-19 settled, we began to see the nature of the virus that Began in China, and was essentially allowed to spread around the world. It effects 65 and above more than any other demographic, and much of that demographic is more at risk with comorbidities. It also effects people under tat age who have preexisting conditions. But, overall, we are looking at a survival rate of roughly 99.5%. And we know who is the most vulnerable. So we wear masks, and social distance and we are ordered to close our businesses and lock down. Make no sense I don’t care you are. Now it is looking like it is going to get worse. Perhaps in two ways. The intensity of the virus, and the intensity of the lockdown if a Biden Administration has it’s way.

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