Syrian Journalist Mohamed Ali on liberation of E Ghouta & Aleppo, and on the Syrian army


Eva K Bartlett


Published on Oct 8, 2018

Really a pleasure to sit a few days ago and talk with Mohamed Ali​, a brave Syrian journalist whose war reporting and political commentary I've followed for years.

We were mainly meeting to finally sit down and chat--as we'd only accidentally crossed paths, at a briefing given by Syria's Foreign Minister, Mr. Walid al-Muallem [see Mohamed's overview of that here:]--but Mohamed had so many stories about his experiences, including a number of near-death ones, but also experiences interacting with civilians fleeing terrorist-occupied areas, that I asked if I could just record a bit of one of his videos.

This video is relevant now, even though its from months ago, because similar scenarios will have played out along the humanitarian corridor in eastern Idlib... keep that in mind when western talking heads blather about Idlib.

I'm pleased to learn that he'll be working on a documentary and will include a lot of footage he's never published in his reports for Press TV or elsewhere. I'm positive it will be a riveting mixture of war journalism and the humanity we don't see in Western media depictions of the Syrian army.

Finally, it was really just so nice to talk with you, Mohamed, you're really a lovely person and Syrian patriot. Honoured to know you! :)


What I wrote about Mohamed in the past:

Syrian journalist Mohamed Ali has for years been bravely reporting from on the ground, including countless occasions in very dangerous areas, on front-lines, to bring truth to those seeking information on Syria. He is additionally an articulate political commentator.

Last November, by fortunate chance, I had the opportunity to meet Mohamed, following a press conference where Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem addressed developments in and regarding Syria. Mohamed gave an overview of the conference, and while the attached video is from November and certain things have changed (Aleppo has been liberated, for one :) ), some other things remain the same (The Syrian govt remains committed to a political solution--but the powers fighting Syria do not; Syria will ally with anyone honestly fighting terrorism; US administrations can't be trusted...).

In any case, the real intent of this post is to celebrate Mohamed's valuable work, for which I continue to be grateful. He is highlighted in this video: "10th Press TV Anniversary - Behind the scenes in Syria"


Some links, though he's done many more impressive reports:

-On Twitter:

-Mohamed's report on the Nov press conference:

-Syrian army takes full control of Qaboun

-More videos on his FB profile:

My related article on Idlib:

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