BREAKING:ISIS sympathizer attacks-London Bridge & Hague Terror-ISIS prisoners returning to Europe


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Nov 29, 2019

BREAKING: Was this simply the "lone wolf" act of an ISIS sympathizer - a repeat offender who wasn't being properly monitored? SUPPORT INSPONEWS: PayPal
Some terror "experts" are reporting that ISIS prisoners are returning home from Syria & they and their sympathizers are sending the West a message. London Bridge & Hague Terror Attacks - even though there were low fatalities - both events did seem coordinated but the jury is still out..
Some analysts are reporting that escaped ISIS prisoners in Syria are making their return back to their countries of origin as Erdogan gives them passage through Turkey back to Europe. Is this just the beginning of ISIS or ISIS sympathizer revenge attacks? What impact will PC- open borders weak immigration and globalist multiculturalism policies have on the safety of Europe's (and even America') safety over the next several years? 15,000 ISIS prisoners were reported let loose by the pro Islamist Turks.

Too bad Assad & Putin hadn't gotten to those serial killing murderous ISIS prisoners first. Sadly, many are headed to Europe and possibly even the United States. They should have executed every last one of those mass murderers while they had them in custody and taken them OFF the earth where they can do no wrong.

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