Ernecl 1 na 1 Pravica, pravo in fašizem


Aleš Ernecl


Published on Jun 17, 2021

Gost odvetnik Domen Gorenšek
Dear subscribers, dear viewers! After a good year of being on YT, my chanell reached 4K subscribers. Considering where I come from and what I do - not bad. Considering my preoccupation with other projects - not bad. (for couple of months now, I've been working on my own media platform while also working for two other media outlets). With that said, after my interview with Stefan Molyneux, i lost all my contracts and no one wants to cooperate with me - because i, mockingly, said i was an editor of a "fascist media platform". Media presented this as if i wasn't mocking them calling me a fascist anyway and even "fellow rightwingers", you know them from your own countries, "the true conservatives who never conserved anything" - turned their backs on me. So, i need some help, all the help i can get. I opened a new bank account, because Sberbank cancelled m old one without a reason. If you can help, in cents, euros, tens of euros and so forth - you'd make me very happy. Thanks in advance, Aleš Ernecl
SKB d.d., Ajdovščina 4, 1513 Ljubljana
Aleš Ernecl s.p., POhorska ulica 19.c, 2000 Maribor
SI56 0312 1100 0962 150
4673 0410 3314 6384

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