Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 16, 2016, #37 ( Dane Wigington )


Dane Wigington


Published on Apr 16, 2016
The paradigm shift is well underway and advancing rapidly, how this shift fully unfolds is yet to be determined. Can we still make a difference in the equation? Yes, if we collectively focus on the fight, it is our combined efforts that could yet alter the overall outcome. Total economic collapse is inevitable and likely now very near. I have done my best to make clear many times in the past, financial collapse must follow biosphere collapse. More bad news from the seas, fish populations are crashing and fisheries are being shut down. The global die-off is exploding.
Unprecedented emergency financial meetings are taking place that include the attendance of the president of the United States. The endless money printing from central banks has only delayed the implosion that is coming. Ultimately this delay will only make the final impact much more catastrophic as the final remaining resources of the planet are ground up to keep the wheels of industrialized/militarized society moving.
With the horizon darkening rapidly, how do we maintain the motivation to keep marching in the battle for the greater good? What examples has history given us of those who have shown profound strength and courage in the face of unimaginably impossible odds? We have the well known examples of men like Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, and women like Helen Keller, but there are other less known examples that I have found uplifting in times of angst. I have always diligently searched for the inspirational accounts of those who refused to yield in spite of the seemingly insurmountable challenges. Challenges that most truly determine what life is about, and why we are here.  A Native American Olympic runner named Billy Mills ran for his people, not for himself. In one of the longest and most grueling events in the Olympic games, Mills made history in what is considered the greatest Olympic upset of all time. The movie "Running Brave" is the full account of Native American Billy Mills. Another incredibly inspirational account of total commitment to the greater good is portrayed by the film "In Pursuit Of Honor". Faced with an unimaginably defining moment in their lives, 5 US Calvary soldiers unite in an impossible effort to save 400 horses from being machine-gunned by the US military. We would all do well to consider what so many others have faced before us. The sacrifices and relentless tenacity that some have shown in the fight for the greater good. Now, at this moment in history, we all face the most profound challenges ever confronted by the human race and life on Earth. Challenges that have been self inflicted by those in our society who crave total power and control, and the "order followers" that carry out (or cooperate with) the insanity for a paycheck and a pension. Of all the converging catastrophes that are closing in on us, the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare assault is the most dire. "To thine own self be true", "We are the ones we have been waiting for". If we stand together, we can expose climate engineering. If we can expose it, we can stop it. Never give up, never yield to the collective insanity, make your voice heard while there is yet time.

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