Rising Tides (of Color) - VDARE.com Daily Video Digest




Published on Feb 6, 2019

Today, Wilson counts jobs, names the billionaire, and sails the rising tide of color.

VDARE.com Daily Video Digest

National Data | Strong Economy Masking Continuing Immigrant Displacement Of American Workers - by Edwin S. Rubenstein - https://vdare.com/articles/national-data-strong-economy-masking-continuing-immigrant-displacement-of-american-workers

Should Billionaires be Renamed PoM (For ""People of Means"")? - by Steve Sailer - https://vdare.com/posts/should-billionaires-be-renamed-pom-for-people-of-means

Maybe Cory Booker IS ""Black Enough"", But Why Should White Voters Care? - by James Fulford - https://vdare.com/posts/maybe-cory-booker-is-black-enough-but-why-should-white-voters-care

Lionel Shriver On ""The Human Tide"" - by Steve Sailer - https://vdare.com/posts/lionel-shriver-on-the-human-tide

Reminder: Radio Derb, And VDARE Radio Are Both On YouTube Now - by James Fulford - https://vdare.com/posts/reminder-radio-derb-and-vdare-radio-are-both-on-youtube-now

SOTU Guests: Will Trump Force MSM To FINALLY Report Nevada Illegal Alien Quadruple Murder? - by James Fulford - https://vdare.com/articles/sotu-guests-will-trump-force-msm-to-finally-report-nevada-illegal-alien-quadruple-murder"

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