一个如此奸诈的中国男人 A such treacherous Chinese man!




Published on Jan 26, 2019

一个如此奸诈的中国男人 A such treacherous Chinese man!
今天来回开了4个多小时,去到位于10706 Hollly Springs Dr. Houston, TX 77042 一家Estate sale 淘宝。门开后,大家都拥挤在前面的厅堂。我便径直去到里面朝北的一个小房间,在窗台的角落里,我发现了我要寻找的那两个精美的古董镂雕如意,当时旁边没有任何人,我满心欢喜地拿在手里慢慢欣赏查看,没料到过了一会儿才来到这个房间的那位戴眼镜,黑皮肤的东北男人,看到我拿在手里的这么好的如意,心生一计,马上声称是他放在窗台上的。我说我发现如意的时候旁边根本没有人,他是在我之后才进到房间里的。按惯例,所有的人都是把自已找到的宝贝拿在手里,这两个如意体积不大‘ 份量又轻,他为什么不拿在手里?平时他总是带着他太太;他女儿全家出动抢宝,每次都是紧抓在手里不放,此外买家也提供了一张台子存放买者挑选好的物品。如果是他挑选的东西,他为什么不放到指定的地方?这时他们相识的一帮说东北腔的中国人过来起哄,帮腔撒谎,说是他放在那儿的。卖主看他们人多势众,强令我给他们,不然就威胁我离开。就这样,我规规矩矩地购物,在一个僻静角落里发现并拿在手里的宝贝,(并且当时旁边没有任何人),就这样被这个奸诈的东北男人生生夺走。一个好女子就这样被一个奸佞男人欺负。

Today, I drove 4 hours around trip, went to an Estate sale located in 10706 Holly Springs Dr. Houston TX 77042. When the door was open, people stocked in the front rooms. I straight went to a small room, in the corner of the windows, I found my favorite antique Ru Yi there, no body there. I was so happy to take them in my hands and check and appreciate them. While I was holding  checking them in my hands, a Chinese man stepped into the room and claimed it belongs to him. I said when I found them, no body there, how could you said it belonged to you? He said he put there? I said every people was holding what they have fond in hand? He has wife, a daughter, and himself, why didn’t hold in hand? He could not give me a answer. Then he asked other Chinese people who know him each other to make a lie witness.  They other Chinese people make a lie to the seller, the seller forced me to give to them, otherwise, they threaten me  to leave.  I was shopping in a proper manner, didn’t  do anything wrong, but was bully by a Chinese man in such treacherous way.
Chinese Culture Revolution tortured me with my whole Childhood, which left me a handicap syndrome. When people were around and attacking, my brain was always frozen, I could not find  a good way to debate myself.  As a good woman, I was often bully by sly men in such way.

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