RESIST: A Rock Revolution


Brandon Straka


Published on Aug 7, 2018

RESIST: A Rock Revolution is a show a wrote in early 2017. It began when I was still a liberal, devastated by the election of Donald Trump. The show was originally going to be a rallying piece- a call to action for the audience to fight back against our "fascist" president.

Of course, by now, the whole world knows that I have been red-pilled, and am a card carrying conservative Trump supporter. I am a vocal opponent of the liberal media, and liberal ideology in general. I have watched the left devolve into a hateful, angry, rageful mob engaging in the spreading of misinformation, groupthink, divisive identity politics, and oppressive political correctness. I want nothing more to do with them.

But as I began to change last year, I knew that the show I was writing must change as well. I was no longer angry at Trump and his supporters- I was angry at the liberal media who created this hell and I was searching for a way to make other liberals see what I had discovered.

So, RESIST had to change. I decided to let the show become, in am abstract way, like my own journey from liberalism to where I am today. I decided to keep my original opening... me, coming to the stage brandishing a social justice warrior-like democratic party armband and singing about how much trouble we were all in. As the show continues, I (and my counterparts in the show- who really represent other places in my own psyche) begin asking more questions... what do liberals REALLY feel about "diversity"? Do they appreciate diversity of thought? Why are liberals so drawn to identity politics- and how does "fear" factor into this? Is accepting who we are and loving ourselves a truth that is prevalent for all of us, regardless of our backgrounds, lifestyles or beliefs? Can we learn to break free from groupthink and tribal identities- and learn to love and appreciate one another for the individuals that we are?

These are just some of the questions that RESIST asks.

I knew I would be performing for a liberal audience. I knew I had to present these subjects delicately so they could be received.

But this show happened months before the #WalkAway Campaign. And if (when) I have it to do over again... it will be much more direct in it's presentation.

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