Ukraine sells off military secrets


Pravda Report


Published on Mar 14, 2016

The Ukrainian developer of intercontinental ballistic missiles Yuzhnoye is reported to have sold abroad documents on the small liquid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Kopye, that was designed in 1985 for a mobile ground missile system of the same name. How probable is it
and which of the South-Eastern Asian countries could purchase the documents?
Viktor Murahovsky, chief editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission:
«There is a strong probability that documentation sale has taken place. We could evidence last year that the enterprise was visited by various foreign delegations, including the United States of America. There were even representatives from Pakistan, China, Myanmar as well as other countries. So, it is difficult to say for the moment which of the countries purchased it, unless any reliable information is revealed. However, if such countries as Pakistan or North Korea obtain the documentation, it will pose a serious threat to both the US and Russia.”

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