Obama Lies From Mount Rushmore Plus


Phillip Hudok


Published on Dec 9, 2013

The reality and symbolism, could not be greater! The pro-Christian, pro-family, pro-freedom, first president of this country flanked by the usurper in chief spewing forth lie, after lie, after lie. And this is only one issue which is in everyone's face. What else is there? Obama is a puppet. His handlers hide behind the curtain. They are inspired by demons. I pledge to uncover that which is hidden. Take the red pill. You will find out we dropped the ball...big time! As Charlie Daniels would say, "It's time to suck it up boys and RIDE!" And I can't keep Mr. Obama Head on the road without your help. With no apologies...Phil Hudok P.S. If you like seeing this video, click like.