Aubrey Huff - Shoulders & Triceps Workout


Aubrey Huff


Published on Feb 28, 2019

People always ask me how I was able to get my anxiety and depression under control. There were many factors, but making the DECISION to make nutrition and fitness a priority in my life was the biggest step. Working out has been scientifically proven to release the feel good chemicals in your brain: dopamine, and serotonin. When you have anxiety or depression these essential chemicals are practically non existent. Believe me I’m not a big selfie gym guy, nor do I workout for vain reasons. I workout 4 days a week to maintain my mental and physical health. Looking good is just icing on the cake. Take control of your life, and your mental and physical health by making exercise a high priority. And don’t think of it as a workout program, think of it as a LIFESTYLE. This is my shoulders and triceps workout.