UFO's, Mind Control & Military Abductions (2010) - Richplanet TV - (29) - Miles Johnston/Rauni Kilde


Richplanet.TV. Reuploader.


Published on Aug 10, 2023

Miles Johnston is a stalwart of the UFO community. It is rumoured he holds the world record for attending the most UFO conferences. In his murky past he operated pirate radio stations in Ireland, which were strangley tollerated by the authorities. Among some of Miles Johnston's theories is the idea that radio transmitters are being used as some sort of covert mind control. He has interviewed a number of individuals who claim to be victims of a mind control programme. This very disturbing subject is touched upon in the interview, but clearly more information needs to surface about these claims to determine the true extent of the revelations.

I started this channel since Youtube removed Richard Hall's official Youtube channel.

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