HIV / AIDS and the Polio Vaccine


Vaxxed World


Published on Apr 30, 2017

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This 2004 documentary raises an interesting premise regarding AIDS and the development of the polio vaccine. Multiple efforts to debunk the premise have been made available below. This video is mirrored from YouTube channel Vivendo Positivo ( It is shared here to ensure that this controversial material remains available for the public's consideration and to encourage conversation around the important and academically taboo topic.

Vaccine Theory of AIDS Origins Disputed at Royal Society
DOI: 10.1126/science.289.5486.1850

What Led to the Nigerian Boycott of the Polio Vaccination Campaign?
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0040073

Timing the Ancestor of the HIV-1 Pandemic Strains
DOI: 10.1126/science.288.5472.1789

Origin of AIDS: contaminated polio vaccine theory refuted

CHAT oral polio vaccine was not the source of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group M for humans.
DOI: 10.1086/319612

Oral polio vaccine: fact versus fiction
DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2004.01.028

The evolution of HIV-1 and the origin of AIDS
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0031

Direct evidence of extensive diversity of HIV-1 in Kinshasa by 1960
DOI: 10.1038/nature07390


Origin of AIDS: The Polio Vaccine (CBC 'Witness', 2004)

On April 12, 1955 Jonas Salk's polio vaccine was first licensed for public use in the U.S. In the years afterwards 90 million Americans were vaccinated in the largest mass vaccination campaign ever. Polio virtually disappeared from the continent and Jonas Salk became a hero.

But not long after, 260 children who were vaccinated with Salk's vaccine became sick. Eleven of them died. An investigation showed that some lots of the vaccine were defective and confidence in it was shaken.

Two scientific greats, Dr. Hilary Koprowski, director of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, and Dr. Albert Sabin, a physician at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital, raced to replace the Salk vaccine. Dr. Cecil Fox, a pathologist at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases remembers that it was an intense competition.

Both Sabin and Koprowski's vaccines were derived from monkey organs. They needed to test them in large, non-immunized population groups, no longer available in North America.

Sabin traveled to the U.S.S.R. and vaccinated more than 6 million people in Latvia, Estonia and Kazakhstan between 1958 and 1959. No AIDS cases emerged in the U.S.S.R. where Sabin did his testing.

Koprowski moved his study to the Belgian Congo which had one of Africa's more modern health care infrastructures at the time. Between 1956 and 1960 more then 1 million African people were 'encouraged' to receive Koprowski's vaccine called CHAT.

Sabin analyzed Koprowski's vaccine in 1958 and found it be be 'unstable and contaminated by an unknown virus'. He told Koprowski about his discovery and went then went public with his findings.

If you liked this. Here is another video that may interest you:

The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS