WAKE UP! We Are Losing America: Christianity is Now the Enemy


Brad from Carolina


Published on Dec 31, 2020

We are losing America. This footage is from over 10 years ago: June 21, 2009 Nabeel Qureshi and David Wood were attending Arabfest in Deerborn, Michigan. They approached a booth that had a sign posted that read "Got Questions? We've Got Answers" (about Islam). What follows is all too common for the protected Religion of "Peace."

The police are instructed to allow this violence and obstruction. Has it gotten better?
It's has gotten much worse.
The freest nation in the history of the world is under attack from within. WHAT WILL WE DO?

Nabeel and David were not preaching. They wanted to engage in conversation with the men at that booth who posted that they were there to take questions and give answers. Yeah, not so much.

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