EUROPE, XX-th Century History, Part 1/2. MUST WATCH & SHARE.




Published on Dec 10, 2018

Between minute 31:20 and 34:50 of this clip, you see the exact goals & plans with the Human Race of the (historical called) "Sea Peoples", which you heard of in other doumentaries about "The Colaps of the Bronze Age Civilisation" (also posted with this name + other names), between the 15-th and the 12-th century BC.

So the Sea Peoples did NOT perished in antiquity! They went ahead to destroy the Human Race, first from the conquered Pelasgia (later known as "Greece"), then "the roman empire", then/later as religion, then/later as secret Talmud-ian agents spreading discord, false informations and counterfeit letters among the kings of Europe in order to convince the Human Race Lands/Peoples to exterminate eachother (so the Talmud-ians "wil inehrit the Earth", as they allways hope), later by banks, and thus later by corruption, buying politicionas and thus governments, to create wars among the Human Race, any way possibile.
This is continuously hapening, even RIGHT NOW, when you are reading this.

Request: Dowload and respost this clip (+ the other part of it; there are 2 parts)

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