Unions Headed for Supreme Court Loss? | Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Feb 15, 2016

The Center for Individual Rights is representing Rebecca Friedrichs and nine other California teachers in a lawsuit against the California Teachers Association - arguing that forced union association and dues payments are illegal. The case has made it all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

Lead plaintiff Rebecca Friedrichs has taught for twenty-six years and says, “the union has become what it used to fight - a powerful, entrenched organization more focused on self-preservation than educating children and protecting teachers.”

The CTA has used millions of dollars in compulsory dues to become one of the most powerful political organizations in the state of California - promoting issues with which many teachers fundamentally disagree which highlights the compelled speech inherent in mandatory union membership of any kind.

Stefan Molyneux speaks with plaintiff Rebecca Friedrichs and lawyer Terence J. Pell about the nature of the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association case, the likelihood of victory, the consequences of forced association and what this means for government unions nationwide!

Terence J. Pell is President of the Center for Individual Rights: https://www.cir-usa.org

Rights for Teachers: https://twitter.com/Rights4Teachers

Note: This interview was recorded prior to the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and many news outlets have speculated that this case would be "immediately affected" by his passing.

Washington Post: The most significant Supreme Court case that could be immediately affected by Scalia’s death: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/02/13/the-most-significant-case-that-could-be-immediately-affected-by-scalias-death/

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