2060 Dead People Voted | Trump Says "Big Things Happening" | Sen Ted Cruz To Argue PA Case In SCOTUS


The Upstream


Published on Dec 8, 2020

In Wayne County, Michigan 2060 dead people have voted in the US 2020 Election according to The Gateway Pundit analysis. They also suspect this could be a systemic campaign and if the data is accurate and true then how many more in Michigan? How many more in other states?

Sen. Ted Cruz on Dec 7 affirmed that he is ready to make the oral argument in the US Supreme Court if the Pennsylvania case is accepted. PA lawsuit states that the November Election is unconstitutional because of Act 77.

President Donald Trump presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dan Gable on Monday. At the end of the ceremony, President Donald Trump's answer to the reporter's question was really impressive.

Georgia District Court dismissed Sidney Powell's suit. Sidney to make an emergency injunction to SCOTUS. Lin Wood is also filing his lawsuit in the US Supreme court as the 11th Circuit Court ruled out his case.

00:00 - Breaking News
00:22 - Dead People Voting in Wayne County, Georgia
01:40 - Trump says: "Big Things happening over the next few days
03:15 - Sen. Ted Cruz to argue for PA case
04:40 - Sidney Powell and lin Wood to move their cases in Georgia to SCOTUS

#Deadpeoplevoting #SidenyPowell #LinWood #PresidentTrump #Georgia #Pennsylvania