Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos on why the attacks on Dixie concern us all


We Dare To Resist Florida League of the South


Published on Feb 7, 2024

In this talk, Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos contends that no matter where you live in the world, no matter what your race is, and no matter what your religion is, the ongoing cultural genocide being perpetrated by the United States Federal Government against the Southern states in the US, concerns us all. Dr. Marcus said that the Southern states were the first victims in history of the US Federal Government, and that it is in Dixie where the US Federal Government first began perpetrating cultural genocide. According to Dr. Marcus, the US Federal Government honed its skill in cultural genocide in Dixie.

Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos is a leading British historian, analyst, and author specializing in Russia and the former Soviet Union. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Law and Modern History at London Guildhall University; received a Master’s Degree in Modern History at Royal Holloway, University of London; and, also at Royal Holloway, was awarded a Ph.D. in Russian history.

The League of the South would like to thank Dr. Papadopoulos for reaching out to us in support of our organization and our overall cause.

You may subscribe to his YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@UC6DtmaGgh4yFUYFQ-Z9iZgA

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