Not Everyone in Government is Going Along With the Coronavirus Hoax - 9 States Still Resisting


The Sons of Liberty


Published on Apr 6, 2020

And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.” Exodus 18:25 All day long we see and hear the propagandists pushing forth their global agenda. It is like “all together now (Isaiah 28:18),” the conductor stands up and on cue the players play in unison to the same exact music (Teleprompters-Video below) over and over again across the country through the same “useful idiots,” otherwise known as feigned politicians and journalists. Today, with all that is going on with a new “crisis” that they are now taking advantage of (Never let a good crisis go to waste - Rahm Emanuel), merely being played out to see how far they can go with the American people, we see on the other hand them in American government that are continuously standing with the U. S. Constitution, and I praise God that they are doing so for then I can stand with them rather then against them (Romans 12:21).

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