Scott Lively on the Winepress of God's Wrath


Scott Lively


Published on Oct 13, 2020

In this video version of his WND commentary of today, Dr. Lively explains the prophetic Biblical event called the Winepress of God's Wrath and when it occurs in the prophetic timetable. He shows that the punishment of the wicked always follows a season of increasing rebellion and rejection of opportunities to repent, and that God's wrath is unleashed only when the sin of the wicked has "ripened" sufficiently to justify it according to His standards of justice and mercy. Dr. Lively references the example of Elijah in his confrontation with Ahab and Jezebel and that of John the Baptist (whom Jesus called an Elijah) to suggest that the best response of the church to the rapidly ripening wickedness of this age is to do what John did, and bring the lost into the faith through public baptisms.

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