Old German Air Force Song - "Dive Bombers Song" (Available on Bitchute)




Published on Aug 13, 2020

Video only available on Bitchute!
Youtube Community Guidelines do not allow videos
like this to be published on this website. So, it has been
uploaded to the Official DeroVolk Bitchute account.

You can follow this LINK to see the video on that platform:
URL ► https://www.bitchute.com/video/wog9G4jV9305/

The main channel of DEROVOLK was closed on July 2019. This is the original back-up account that is now uploading old and new videos.
I also have a new project called The DeroBlog, which is a blog about national anthems, music, and history in general. Check it out!
· The DeroBlog:
URL ► http://derovolk.blogspot.com/
·Support the channel on PATREON!
URL ► https://www.patreon.com/derovolk
· Join in the DISCORD Server!
URL ► https://discord.gg/hNBXRM3
· BITCHUTE Account for Special Video:
URL ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lJbwDy9F5XPs/
· Official FB Group:
URL ► https://www.facebook.com/groups/DeroVolkPosting/