Black holes - First photo of a black hole is not the first


UAP Research


Published on Apr 16, 2019

When you read this without having seen the photo:

On Wednesday, astronomers revealed the first image ever taken of a black hole, bringing a dramatic conclusion to a decades-long effort. The iconic image offers humanity its first glimpse at the gas and debris that swirl around its event horizon, the point beyond which material disappears forever. A favorite object of science fiction has finally been made real on screen.

What were your thoughts after you saw the photo? In all honesty? I was disappointed as I expected to see a lot more.

The first black hole photo shows exactly what it says: a single black hole without any details. They also claim to have made visible the Event Horizon. Well I can be brief on that: Sorry they did not. They show a black cirle but that is not the Event Horizon. I ran my software on this image and I made a short video, which shows a lot more details including the Event Horizon.
You will also see the processed X-ray images of black hole ARP299. A project I have been working on quite some time. Currently I am preparing a 3 - 4 hour video series which will give you a much better insight in the black hole phenomenon.

Enjoy the video.

My dear friends!

I do not believe in any black hole theorem because this phenomenon can be much simpeler explained; so watch the soon to come video series) Instead of black holes (there is no hole, there is no singularity) I call them HMO = Heavy Mass Object. When a star comes within the oblate spherodial shaped ergosphere of a rotating HMO we see something very interesting happening. The gravitational force of the HMO's begins to pull on the star and the star begins to lose matter to the HMO. Interestingly for us the same thing happens with interstellar matter and gasclouds. The idea was that if we cannot show the HMO itself, perhaps we can make use of a method to display photon energy as a result of gravitational accretion and accumulation of matter. That's why we thought of using DEUEM on HMO's. DEUEM uses mathematics and the Inverse Square Law of Intensity and Brightness as a canvas. By measuring (radiowaves, X-ray or gamma ray) light source (energy) strengths, we calculate and reconstruct light distribution in an image. Through a multi layer build up (3D) we visualize the gravitational accumulation/accretion. DEUEM is based on the principle of the Inverse Square Law. Here are the basics of the DEUEM processing technique: First the background noise in the original photo / image is removed by adding Gaussian blur. By adjusting the percentage of blur we make lines appear sharper or weaker in the final processed image. The new image is saved lossless to keep as much data available and not to introduce any new compression / algorithm related artefacts. 1. We load the blurred photo / image into a software capable of increasing the high dynamic range of an image by selectively stretching or compressing tones and contrast. 2. The Gaussian blurred image is drawn to a tonal curve where values are determined by the number of anchors and their respective positions. For DEUEM we standard use 72 anchors. (2 iterations) 3. Pixels of equal value are transformed into gradients of equal value which are shown in the processed image as fields- or rings. 4. Depending on source strength, values and distances, these fields (rings) subsequently increase or decrease where fields of high value are narrow and fields of low value are wide. (This can be best compared with the isobars on a weather chart as the shorter the distance between the lines the harder the wind blows. (more energy) 5. The final result is a computer generated artistic interpretation build from a denoised but further unprocessed original photo or image. 6. By merging the original with the DEUEM processed image we now have reconstructed the path that matter follows when it is affected by gravitational and / or magnetic force. Results of DEUEM are fully reproducible and consistency has been succesfully tested over a period of more than ten year.

Here's a question for you:

What does Earth, our Sun, our planets and ALL HMO in the Universe have in common?
You will hear the answer soon on this channel

Personal request: I am a video- and image processor and NOT an astrophysicist. What I show is what I find is the for the human eye hidden stuff. I base and build my own theories on visual evidence and I believe in what I see more than that I put my trust in theories and equations of people who have no access to the material that I have.
If you have any questions please keep it simple; for me and my viewers because this is not a competition of who uses the most difficult language. Thanks!

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