Farrakhan Declares That He is GOD!! (Wright/Obama)


Patriot Fire


Published on Mar 12, 2010

Louis Farrakhan, head of the "Nation of Islam," declares that he is God. The NOI is not orthodox Islam, but a black religious sect with an Islamic motif. Black Nationalists have a pantheistic belief that any man can become a god or obtain god-like qualities by his own self-salvation and spiritual evolution. The doctrine of Obama's church in Chicago has a related theology and Jeremiah Wright was a Black Muslim with Farrakhan in the late 1960s, before he converted Trinity into a pseudo-Christian, Black Nationalist church in the early 1970s. Both sects believe that a Black Messiah is imminent, who will lead in the destruction of America, the white race and the traditional church. Farrakhan announced publicly during the campaign (February 2008) that Obama is the Black Messiah.

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