They are not Government's people. IGNORE THEM




Published on May 24, 2020

Clause 8 of the Annotated Constitution 1901 states clearly;
"After the passing of this Act the Colonial Boundaries Act, 1895,
shall not apply to any colony which becomes a State of the Commonwealth;
but the Commonwealth shall be taken to be a self-governing colony for the purposes of that Act.
"Fee Simple" Alienates Your Land from the Crown
Our Constitution Under Section 76 Page 791
of the Annotated Constitution of The Australian Commonwealth Quick & Garran
Clearly states that;
"Everybody in Australia is subjected to the authority of the Federal Constitution
And must obey it."
"That every court of competent jurisdiction has the right to declare a law
of the Commonwealth or State is invalid by transgressing the Constitution."
"Neither the Federal nor the State Government are sovereign bodies."
They are legislatives with limited powers, any law which they attempt to pass
in excess of those powers is no law at all, it is simply a nullity entitled to no obedience."
HCA 11 of 2015.
"It doesn't matter if you are a government entity, If you have an ABN NUMBER
and supply services for money YOU ARE A TRADING COMPANY",
that includes LANDGATE (WA). They can not operate under State Law,
because they are subject to the Corporations Act and cannot administer law."

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