Texas cowboys strive for independence


Pravda Report


Published on May 26, 2016

The Texas Nationalist Movement in the US has gained right to hold a referendum on the state's independence.
Two thirds of the local Republican party committee voted for such a decision. Nathan Smith, representative of the TNM, claimed that legislative body of the state will have to adopt draft resolution which will allow to carry out a nation-wide voting among the Texans on this issue.
The event may be held under the Crimean scenario, when citizens decided by themselves whether they wanted to stay as part of Ukraine or join Russia.
According to Smith, in case the state separates from the US, Russia will gain a new trade partner with fewer trading restrictions, as well as new oversea politicians who will reflect interests of the Texans, but not wishes of the US government.
However, independence of Texas will have to be approved at the federal level.

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