9/11 Never Forget




Published on Apr 27, 2011

911 Never again. Never forget 9/11. Never forget the World Trade Center on September 11 2001. Remember Edna Cintron, the Marsh McLennan/Mercer lady in the hole.

2011 Oscar for Animation Continuity goes to Jim Huibregtse, Runners Up - Naudet Bros.

Jim Huibregtse's 9/11 video (NIST FOIA) begins before the NTSB suggests AA11 ended it's flight (8:46:40); it is hard to know when something that didn't happen happened - ask the BBC. Simon Shack of September Clues fame showed the sudden and unscientific appearance of the Naudet black mark after the wtc1 event.
Joe Craine has shown that the black line on the north tower doesn't appear in images and video taken just minutes later, including a frame she found earlier from Jim Huibregtse' video from about 8:47AM.
Recently, a reasonably high definition copy of Jim Huibregtse's video become available under the NIST response to the FOIA.
Release 14, 911datasets.org
It only takes Jim Huibregtse 18 seconds to rid the world of that ugly Naudet stain (spill the blood of an innocent Afghan pet goat and a good scrubbing of the bill of rights using a Gitmo pail of water); clearly a front loader. Like the March 11 (Julian 70) Japan Tsunami, the stupefying tide of acquiescence continues to inundate the sheeple of America. A magnitude 9 earthquake of patriot acts of lethargy and indifference to the principles of our once great republic (1776=9111). A unanimous acclamation that the Constitution of the United States of America is "just a piece of paper" and it is too stiff to use for anything else. Our flag is a rug needed to wipe the feet of the 911 criminals.

I pledge allegiance to the rug of the United States of America and to the repugnant for which it stands, one stain under wraps with tyranny, no justice at all.

"Hey, that man committed murder!" "That's OK, he is a member of the protected class; they are above the law." The definition of torture depends solely on who is doing the torturing. You have a right to a fair trial as long as money is not involved. Monopolies are illegal, except for those who monopolize our economy, banks, insurers, the media, dry goods, travel and growing food (seed for thought). Isn't it interesting that there is no tax on usury? The Gang of 535, including Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, bought by valueless currency, owned by intimidation and blackmail and afraid of the war machine.
Matthew 25:42-43
42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,
43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.
A double oxymoron; a United Nations (UN) peace keeping force.

Justice is not a philosophical concept. Where can I find a land of the free and a home of the brave? Certainly not near the city state of Washington DC!

For your viewing pleasure, Joe Craine includes one of his favorite short subjects. The Canada Film Board would not approve, neither would PIXAR/Disney. See

Audio is from 2 traitors to our country.
1. The criminal acting as our President that we call President Barack Hussein Obama who cannot even show his real birth certificate for fear of losing his job. Those who are forced to eat with him, remember not to take food from any bowl he has touched with his left hand. It is not boulimia when you have a good reason to puke.
2. The worst criminal among elected officials of recorded history; President George Dubiya Bush, son of the second generation traitor George Herbert Walker Bush (Face of the NWO - when we are successful and we will be), grandson of traitor Prescott Bush, financier of Hitler (a distant second to GWB) and Senator of the State of Connecticut.

The only reality of 911 was TV fakery.
Everything else we were shown on TV was false.
At the pentagon it was faked firefighting.
Joe Craine, YouTube Martyr

Barbara, Do what you will, Dad 93 93/93