USA to drown Russia in sea of fire for supporting Assad


Pravda Report


Published on Sep 15, 2015

US threatens to expand the international isolation of the Russian Federation for the support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. According to White House spokesman Josh Earnest, if Russia does not join the US-led international coalition that conducts a counter-terrorist operation in Iraq and Syria and will support Assad instead, the move with isolate Moscow from the international community even more.

Josh Earnest also accused the Syrian leader of the humanitarian tragedy, having obviously disregarded the humanitarian catastrophes that the United States has been causing in many countries of the world.
The Kremlin believes that interfering into internal affairs of Syria is unacceptable. As President Vladimir Putin believes, it is up to Syrians to determine their own future. Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said there is still no clear understanding of what could be an alternative to the incumbent legitimate government of Syria in ensuring security in the country.

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