Affidavit and Common Law Court Registration - Unplugging From The Matrix


The Conscious Truth Network


Published on Jul 14, 2020

Unplugging from the matrix is a HUGE undertaking.

Step 1.
You must undertsand there is a matrix in the first place.

Step 2.
You must desire to free yourself from slavery.

Step 3.
You must dramatically change the way you view yourself and the world.

Step 4.
You must be prepared to research your bloody ass off!!!

Step 5.
Start with this video 😎

πŸ”₯In this video, Alex and I discuss the first affidavit you could/should send to certain members of government. We also go over the common law courts registration.πŸ”₯

If you are new to this, it will take a while to wrap your head around.

I've only been learning about the fraduelent and fake legal system/strawman concept/common law system/word etymology and true meaning for approx the past 6 months.

In that time I have learnt that multiple facets of society are fradulent and should/could be challenged.

βœ… City link and tolls are illegal and unlawful
βœ… Speeding fines are illegal and unlawful
βœ… Parking fines are illegal and unlawful
βœ… The ATO is illegal and unlawful
βœ… Vicroads and paying registration is illegal and unlawful

Plus a whole lot more.

Please understand, in no way would we ever advoicate for people to do things which would somehow cause harm to others. Let me make that perfectly clear.
There are plenty of sheep who would like to think that when you don't pay the corporate fee on an already registered car, you somehow become a danger to society.

The only danger to society are people who are unwillingly to think for themselves and to spend time researching.
Don't waste your life in ignorance binging netflix.

So buckle up and start binging some common law instead!
Happy viewing!

If you don't have an open mind, why are you even reading this? πŸ˜‚


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βœ… For instructions on how to access the free platform and downloadable documents

You will find the link to access the page in the video in the description.

Remember to like, comment and share this video! I rely upon you to spread this message!

- James

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