Lockdowns Made Me a Better Person




Published on Nov 6, 2021

In a recent interview we had a 'be real session' where we admitted to each other something deep. This was mine.

I am part of that huge laptop class that has been far less affected by lockdowns. So I'm conflicted about them - along with many experts I now look back on them and wish they never happened, but at the same time I really appreciate that they made me into a better human.

I've awoken to the plight of segments of society I previously didn't consider.

I've learned that social justice is not always a bad thing - in fact we need more of it. Those that profess it the loudest (like our failed Victorian Premier) are actually guilty of driving the most injustice.

I've learned that there is far more capacity in me than I realised to persevere and swim against the current.

I've learned that being publicly vulnerable and transparently wrong are not disasters. They are, in our age of fakeness, traits in high demand.

Most of all I've learned the counterfeit culture of media, influencers and politics. So much of what we consume is carefully crafted propaganda masquerading as 'truth'.

So I wish Covid-19 never happened, for the deaths and destruction it wrought. But as we gradually realise that it is the government response - not Covid-19 - sowing that destruction, I am pleased so many of us have now seen 'behind the curtain'.

The Wizard(s) of Oz around the world are sad little men (and Jacinda too) pulling levers of power, distracting the masses with bright lights and explosions of smoke.

But we can't un-see what we've seen.

Eventually, economies and livelihoods will recover but the enduring tragedy is seeing behind the curtain of our lifelong friendships and familial connections.

To discover that some of those we loved are in fact, monsters disguised behind a veneer of civility, is devastating.


This is a segment from our interview with early childhood educator and children's book author EJ Carrol which you can watch at: https://youtu.be/egrG-Ny9bBo


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