UN needs to be reloaded


Pravda Report


Published on Jun 16, 2014

The ability of the United Nations to solve serious problems in the world remains in question for a long time already. Is there any use in this organization at all? The U.S. does not pay attention to the United Nations, and many European politicians have serious doubts about the real power of the UN. In short, the United Nations is now in need of reorganization and new ideas that will give it an ability to take an independent approach to events of planetary significance.

Vyacheslav Dashichev, chief researcher at the Institute for International Economic and Political Studies

"The United Nations has done virtually nothing to resolve serious and dangerous tensions in Ukraine after the coup in February this year. As for the OSCE - its role has been reduced to minimum. A few representatives of this orhanization came to Ukraine and were arrested in the Luhansk region.

The goal is to make the UN and the OSCE organizations of paramount importance and give them the functions of regulators of the dangerous conflicts, which arose almost in the center of Europe. Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt has recently written an article, in which he drew attention to the fact that as a result of the coup, we now have the situation that was reminiscent of the pre-war political crisis, and he compared it with the situation that was before World War I in 1914. He believes that such a conflict can trigger a war in Europe."

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