Dr Corsi DECODE 3-4-20 DEM establishment dumps Sanders, hopes Biden to force HRC brokered convention


Jerome Corsi


Published on Mar 4, 2020

Super Tuesday aftermath: The Democrat party establishment working behind the scenes to orchestrate another Sanders brush-off and Biden ascendancy. Mini Mike Bloomberg bows out, ending his $600 million dollar campaign faisco. Mayor Pete out as well, but not before leaving voicemail on an ordinary American citizen's phone believing he was Biden, and leacving cryptic message about "our plans."

President Trump is refusing to rubber stamp the FISA renewal, and demands that post-Russia surveillance reforms be included or no deal. Senator Rand Paul supports Trump, not trusting DOJ/Barr to ensure the process is followed properly.

Migrant mobs have been unleashed on Greece by Erdogan of Turkey. Retaliation for lack of EU support for his movement into Syria?

Sidney Powell cointinues to fight for full exoneration of General Flynn.

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