Bernanke Money Ron Paul wins Rothschild not has money to buy this defeat


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI


Published on Dec 15, 2011

The ROOT of the NEW WORLD ORDER! We do not take Pride in Race: neither do we justify Hatred in any form FOR TALMUD KABBALAH SHARIA, ECC..... Except for that Evil.. (The Sin not the Sinner) JHWH allows this "power" to be (For now) ...Until that it exposes itself for all to see... that it is not of JHWH, but rather Chose to Rebel against! When one chooses not to go, along with this Rebellion it is Viewed as Hateful Opposition. SORRY ABOUT THAT! It was hard enough to figure out that it wasn't JHWH that was Evil!!! But that the people had: ALL gone astray BACKWARDS. We are Thankful to the CREATOR of all for All of Creation... and Believe: without even the Shadow of a Doubt.. that it is way past Time to...
az99920: SAID: Commento al tuo video: Schools Ron Paul collapse FED IMF fuck Rothscild talmud kabbalah:::: كويتي بحق ! مشكله كبيره ما يحدث من دعم للماسونيه --ANSWER - my real brother: Allah be been always loved: for all: the real saint: all Muslims: like you! In Iraq: under a military occupation: powerful: equipped: through: a super modern satellite technology, etc...? the fanatical Muslim terrorists: they killed, and forced to emigrate: 1000.000: of martyr Christian .. all this was done: in the silence of the Jewish and Masonic monopoly: of the information: that is the lobby of the bank seigniorage: IMF-World Order, because they are the ones who have planned all this! Those who: have gone into Iraq? are of the Rothschild: 666 322 and all his troops: of the synagogue of Satan, only [666 IMF His Talmud]
@ IsraelNationalTV - the Holy Spirit is forcing me to this article: a clarification? is obvious: there is someone who: is slandering me .. However, the slanders against me, can not be supported! Why was the Second Vatican Council, etc. .. to say that Judaism is salvific. INDEED, I never thought: amd I never wrote that: the synagogue of Satan, were the Jews or the Jewish religion .. infact: I have always said the opposite: namely, that, jews were been : the victims of the Illuminati jews always, and that Jews are been the first victims of the synagogue of Satan, both yesterday, like today .. Holocaust .. Shoah.. for blame of this parassite of bankers racist, since the synagogue of Satan, ie the IMF-New World Order is Lucifer? and they are: the Illuminati who have the agenda of a new tower of Babel, .. BANKER ENLIGHTEND Jews are the agenda: of themselves: alone: and so are the real enemies of: every people: and: of every religion. Then, the TALMUD NOT will be: SO DANGEROUS: IF IT WERE NOT STORED IN THE HANDS OF THE MASTERS OF THE WORLD! In fact, I as King of Israel? I am the only Govern: in all the world to be compelled: to be the guardian of a sectarian religion .. why is my specific duty refound modern Judaism: after the end of this Diaspora: and before the end of all time! If we consider the distant past because of misunderstanding, even about the mode: in which: from the beginning, Christianity: has (almost) always had to defend, against: Jewish (Christian children bled), and Muslims: (for the dissemination of their religion through the use of violence: past and present?) .. We could enter in a controversial: idiot: that is the real enemy for a politician: universal, very concrete and practical: like me .. In fact, if the Muslims NOT to continue to kill the Christians on charges of: idolatry, apostasy, blasphemy? I would not have done: ever: only one video: about the Islamic religion! and not I'd come in, never, in religious matters .. because, I believe, that the religious way: for every man, must be a journey: personal and interior: thus: no State should make legal distinctions: about the religion of its citizens! - not only: the Middle East, but also all the nations of the world: they will give me, a special power of attorney: if they want to: successfully overcome: all the problems: that: necessarily: they must bring: at 3 ° nuclear WW .. because: Babylon tower: NWO, Freemasonry: IMF 666 and 322? they have underground bases: with a space technology .. why: Even if every form of life was lost: on the planet? they think they can re-colonize the planet, as a new creation: for Satan. If the Prophet Elijah killed all those people? is because there was no chance to save: none of them! But Elijah forgave the people who had sinned!

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