St. Alphonsus: The Number of Sins beyond which God Pardons No More


Defeat Modernism


Published on May 29, 2013

In this sermon by St. Alphonsus De Ligouri (1696-1787), Bishop and Doctor of the Church, he explains that there is only a certain number of sins each person is allotted before God forgives no more of them. He bases his sermon on Scripture, the Fathers of the Church and common sense. A very powerful and frightening sermon to say the least.

St. Francis Jerome, when he visited the parents of St. Alphonsus shortly after his birth, made this prophecy: "This child will be blessed with length of days; he shall not see death before his ninetieth year; he will be a bishop and will do great things for Jesus Christ." This prophecy certainly came true. One of the most accomplished of all the saints is Alphonsus Liguori. He was a lawyer in both civil and Church law before he dedicated his whole life to serving God. He was founder of a religious order, author of more than a hundred books, originator of modern moral theology, renowned preacher and confessor, bishop, musical composer and painter. For all of his 91 years on earth, he was also a man of prayer and deep personal holiness. He gives an example of true Christian living that all of us would do well to follow.

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