Re-enter the workplace SAFELY & avoid COVID resurgence , new infections & the SECOND WAVE this Fall


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Apr 16, 2020

BREAKING: President Trump is set to reopen major portions of the economy by May 15th - leaving the rest of those decisions to the 50 governors of each state. . That's the good news, And if it's done right, it will become fantastic news. But all Americans must not forget the contagiousness of this virus. This is NOT a normal annual flu.


So here are some safety tips (contrary to what we have yet to hear - even on FOX News) of how to re-enter the workplace SAFELY. This will require a massive effort to do this safely and to endure and defeat the first wave "Chinese virus" contagion.

KEEP YOUR EYE ON RED CHINA. And isn't it interesting that China is showing its strong duplicitous hand by testing nuclear weapons this week.
COVID 19 is a proven killer and can also cause permanent lung damage -even in younger folks. COVID 19 is AIRBORNE. Here's how the government can achieve it's goals of reopening the economy SAFELY.

This US President is wise. He has good judgement and we believe will do the right things to make this happen. But our military needs to be on high alert with Red China. Just saying ....


We can save our way of life, our jobs our economy by the proper use of masks. We are ready to go back to work and reelect this great President!

Federico Cardella
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