We need right of centre rallies against censorship, threat of losing our freedom, and govt tyranny.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Dec 16, 2019

Well people we need to get ourselves out there now and start being outspoken about our rights to our freedoms. After all we are the tax payers that keep this country going.
But it seems only the mega oppressed have a voice under this govt of New Zealand and most other western govts.
It has to change. Yes I do my bit on YouTube but I'd rather be on the streets with a PA system telling the world that "Just because we love our country and want sensible migration doesn't mean we're racist or islamophobes."

No doubt the govt will order the media attack dogs to make it look as though we're far right and connected to European far right groups like Winston Peters and Patrick Gower tried earlier this year.

Time to get out and be loud and proud about what you believe is the truth.
We can't let Labour win the election next year or else New Zealand is finished.
Jacinda wants the big job at the UN and destroying NZ as we know it and turning it into a third world shithole is not beyond her to achieve her aims.
What we need is groups of organizers in our major cities of NZ to to get hundreds of people together with speakers.

If you want to stop:-

Mass migration of the third world
LGBTQ in our schools
Censorship of real news so we don't know what's happening.
Threats of losing our jobs for our political opinions.
Minorities and ultra oppressed minorities having a greater say than the vast majority.
The fear of being open and honest for fear of retribution.
Making into law any criticism of Islam making it a hate crime.
The media and govt constantly calling anyone who's against the global compact on migration is a supporter of the Christchurch mosque shooter.
Etc etc etc, then you should be with us and get ready to get out and stand up for your beliefs, or you'll lose your rights while others will have advantage over you.

If you like what I do and agree then please consider a donation via PayPal to crosstherub@gmail.com
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