Don McLaughlin Endorsement


Don Huffines


Published on May 26, 2021

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Border Security 🔐

If the federal government won’t secure our border, Texas needs a governor who will do it on his own.
As governor I will…
Finish the wall
Shut down the border until illegal crossings stop
End taxpayer subsidies to illegals

Property Taxes 🏡

Property taxes in Texas are far too high—Texans are literally being taxed out of their own homes.
As governor I will…
Phase out the property tax system entirely
Allow Texans to vote on a constitutional amendment that puts property taxes on a path to zero
Place a stronger cap on state spending and then prioritize our budget to ensure that public schools are fully funded

Election Integrity ✅

Texans rightfully don’t have faith in our elections.
As governor I will…

Purge voter rolls of illegal aliens, dead people, and other ineligible individuals
Require citizenship be verified before voters are added to the rolls
Investigate and aggressively prosecute voter fraud

Leadership. No Excuses. Join me today for Texas