German Genocide - Rhine Death Camp


Quintus Caepio


Published on Sep 9, 2019

Deutsche Version:

"You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest. "
Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill – His Career in War and Peace, page 145

During the period of supervision and occupation of the several states by armies and civilian staffs of the Allied Nations, encourage members of these groups to intermarry with the German women and to settle there permanently. During this period encourage also the immigration and settlement in the German states of non-German nationals, especially males.
Hooton, E.A. (4 January 1943). "Breed war strain out of Germans". New York daily newspaper PM.
--- it is estimated that about 75 percent of the so called refugees are male (since 2014)

"Cerberus 2.0 independently computes the development of each age group of the indigenous German population starting with 1965 and ending in 2100, and for all years in between. [...] By the end of the century there will be 22 million Germans left"
Gefira (26 March 2018). "Do Germans still belong to Germany in the near future?"

Concerning the desired rehabilitation of nationalsocialism by most of the agents of historical revisionism:
"It is a tragedy that in our time historical revisionism is largely captive to the rehabilitation
of the reputation of Hitler the suicide, and of his suicidal Nazism as it evolved after the elimination of G. Strasser and the betrayal and dismissal of Gottfried Feder. Much of World War II historical
revisionism is self-extinguishing for this reason. Depend upon it, a correction of WWII Allied
propaganda will gain little traction until the campaign is completely separated from the selfdestructive crusade to depict Hitler and his Nazi Party in a better light.

The West is suffused with a deep-down instinct of suicide. In the twenty-first century western
people are voluntarily erasing themselves through contraception and abortion, even as their Rightwing “populist” so-called “leaders” never tire of proposing political solutions to what is in fact a profound spiritual and psychological crisis in family values.
All those who hate God love death (Proverbs 8:36). Our modern era’s hordes of death lovers
often present themselves in the habiliments of hedonism, which is a flimsy disguise for a barely
concealed death wish. Napoleon, Hitler and all such murderous tyrants pose in the garments of giddy liberation, yet they always prove themselves a template for the self-immolation which is the fate of all servants of the diabolic."
Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People - Michael A. Hoffman (published 7. September 2019)